Our Vision, Values & Ethos

‘We love to learn and together we grow’

Vision and Ethos


‘We love to learn and together we grow.’

This statement embodies everything we strive for at Cranmore.

We aim to meet the needs of every child regardless of their background, ability, disability, culture, race or religion, and we want each child to achieve their personal best in their learning, attitudes, behaviour and relationships.

In 2022, Ofsted reported: ‘The school is a happy and lively place where pupils flourish.’

We want our children to have fun whilst learning, and we ensure this by providing a broad curriculum with learning opportunities that are real, exciting and purposeful.  We are passionate about ensuring our children have the key knowledge, understanding and skills in English and Mathematics they need to support them in accessing the wider curriculum, leading to them becoming confident adults who are ready for the world.  Through embedding the principles of Building Learning Powers (BLP), we endeavour to create a culture in class where children can cultivate learning habits and attitudes to help them develop into resilient, independent, sufficient learners for life.  Underpinning all of our teaching and learning is our desire to provide children with a caring atmosphere where they feel safe.  We see ourselves as a Cranmore family.

We place a strong emphasis on personal, social and emotional development and have a ‘can do’ culture which ensures that children and adults feel good about themselves whatever their strengths or areas for development.  We encourage children to value everyone and respect other people’s views, cultures and beliefs.  The adults in school lead by example, treating children and parents with respect and sensitivity, and we expect parents and children to do the same in return.  Parent partnership is given high status. 


Our Cranmore Values


At Cranmore, we want to nurture children’s inquisitive nature and equip them with the best possible learning opportunities so they can thrive.  What we see as being wholly intertwined with a child’s academic achievements, and what is a fundamental principle of our teaching, is a child’s personal and character development; we strive to ensure our children are happy, healthy, safe and develop into responsible citizens.  We embed this through the teaching of our Cranmore Values.  Our values are everything we stand for and shape our relationships, learning and working environment. 

Our ‘Cranmore Values’ are:







We expect our staff, children, governors and parents to uphold our core values.  Each half term, the children are introduced to one of our ‘Cranmore Values’ in whole school and year group assemblies.  We use a collection of colourful ‘Yoimoji’ characters to help promote value-led learning that includes the fundamental British values as defined by Ofsted.  Those values are:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

Yoimoji is a portmanteau that combines the Japanese word ‘Yoi’, which means ‘good’, and ‘emoji’, which is slang for ‘character’.  So, Yoimoji stands for: Good Character.  Each Yoimoji represents a value that, over time, helps to build the children’s understanding of our school values, developing their character and work ethic.  These values are embedded in our teaching and through our daily school life to gradually build the children’s understanding of the different terminology and characteristics. 


Please see the attached overview detailing when each value is taught throughout the school year.

Click here to see overview