School Meals

Snack time

Please can you make sure your child has a snack every day in a named box or bag and a named water bottle.

Please can the snack be easy for your child to open and small enough pieces to eat. Your child only needs a SMALL amount each day!

We are trying to avoid any sugary or processed food to support our healthy eating curriculum.

Acceptable snacks are …
Fresh or dried fruit or vegetables.

Please DO NOT bring in any processed fruit e.g. winders, cereal bars, nuts, cheese, biscuits or chocolate.

Please only put WATER in your child’s bottle.

Lunch time

Following a thorough consultation with parents, children, the School Nutrition Action Group, staff and Governors a decision was made by the Governing Body that from September 2014 school policy would be that Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)  would be provided for all children, with a hot and a cold meal option. Children are encouraged to eat a balanced diet and are allowed to choose a jacket potato and a sandwich once a week. Therefore, parents are not able to bring in a packed lunch from home. Our school meal provider is Solihull Catering and you can find out more about them by following this link :Solihull Catering Services

Our school meals are freshly cooked on the premises and meet the government guidelines for healthy and nutritious content. This means that the meals are low in fat, salt and sugar and the children are always offered a choice of main courses and desserts with fresh fruit and a salad bar. (We have earned our Silver Food For Life award for this).

Lunch Menu April 2024 - October 2024